
Memorial Lectures and Fellowship announcement events

2025 Fellowship announcement on 5 March, with Matthew Lamb giving the Hazel Rowley memorial lecture on Australian writer Frank Moorhouse at Adelaide Writers’ Week. The 2025 fellowship winner was Michelle Staff and Highly Commended awards went to Monique Rooney and Jennifer Martin.

Geordie Williamson and Matthew Lamb (photo: Susan Wyndham)

Crowd at Adelaide Writers’ Week

Monique Rooney, Michelle Staff, Jennifer Martin

2024 Fellowship announcement on 13 March, at the Wheeler Centre, Melbourne with Adolfo Aranjuez and Mandy Sayer discussing Mandy’s biography of filmmakers the McDonagh sisters. The 2024 fellowship winner was Kate Fullagar.

Adolfo Aranjuez, Mandy Sayer

Kate Fullagar

Irene Tomaszewski, Christos Tsiolkas, Adolfo Aranjuez, Lynn Buchanan, Kate Fullagar, Della Rowley; Front row: Clare Wright, Mandy Sayer

2023 Fellowship announcement on 8 March, with Ann-Marie Priest giving the Hazel Rowley memorial lecture on Australian poet Gwen Harwood at Adelaide Writers’ Week. The 2023 fellowship winner was Diane Bell and a Highly Commended award went to Carolyn Dowley.

Ann-Marie Priest

Diane Bell, Della Rowley, Carolyn Dowley

Aunty Ellen Trevorrow, Diane Bell, Aunty Margaret Alleyn (née Rankine)

2022 Fellowship announcement on 2 March, at the ‘Writing Yourself into the Story’ panel discussion at the Wheeler Centre, Melbourne with Jeff Sparrow, Eleanor Hogan and Yves Rees. The 2022 fellowship winner was Naomi Parry Duncan and a Highly Commended award went to Sylvia Martin.

Jeff Sparrow, Eleanor Hogan, Yves Rees

Naomi Parry Duncan

Della Rowley, Naomi Parry Duncan, Sylvia Martin

2021 Fellowship announcement on 3 March, with Jacqueline Kent giving the 2021 Hazel Rowley memorial lecture at Adelaide Writers’ Week.
The 2021 fellowship winner was Mandy Sayer.

Jacqueline Kent

Jacqueline Kent, Mandy Sayer

Della Rowley, Mandy Sayer (holding Hazel’s Richard Wright book)

2020 Fellowship announcement due to be held on 20 March at the Wheeler Centre in Melbourne had to be cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The 2020 fellowship winner was Lance Richardson and a Highly Commended Award went to Gabrielle Carey.

Lance Richardson

Gabrielle Carey

2019 Fellowship announcement on 4 March, with Maria Tumarkin giving the 2019 Hazel Rowley memorial lecture at Adelaide Writers’ Week.
The 2019 fellowship winner was Eleanor Hogan.

Maria Tumarkin

Eleanor Hogan

Eleanor Hogan, Maria Tumarkin, Della Rowley

2018 Fellowship announcement on 8 March, with Jenny Hocking giving the 2018 Hazel Rowley memorial lecture on ‘The Politics of Biography’.
The 2018 fellowship winner was Jacqueline Kent and a special award went to Drusilla Modjeska.

Jacqueline Kent, Drusilla Modjeska

Arnold Zable, Lynn Buchanan, Drusilla Modjeska, Della Rowley, Jacqueline Kent, Irene Tomaszewski

Jenny Hocking
(Photo: Janusz Molinski)

2017 Fellowship announcement at Adelaide Writers’ Week, 9 March, with Maxine Beneba Clarke giving the 2017 Hazel Rowley memorial lecture. The 2017 fellowship winner was Ann-Marie Priest and a highly-commended award went to Suzanne Spunner.

Suzanne, Ann-Marie & Maxine

Suzanne Spunner, Ann-Marie Priest, Maxine Beneba Clarke

Maxine @ podium_crop

Maxine Beneba Clarke

Ann-Marie at podium

Ann-Marie Priest

2016 Fellowship announcement at the ‘Art of Biography’ panel discussion at the Wheeler Centre in Melbourne on 9 March. The 2016 Fellowship winner was Matthew Lamb.

Janine Burke, Stephany Steggall, Maxine Beneba Clarke, Caroline Baum

Janine Burke, Stephany Steggall, Maxine Beneba Clarke, Caroline Baum


Janine Burke, Caroline Baum, Stephany Steggall, Maxine Beneba Clarke


Della Rowley, Matthew Lamb

2015 Fellowship announcement at Adelaide Writers’ Week, 4 March, with David Marr giving the Hazel Rowley memorial lecture. The 2015 Fellowship winner was Caroline Baum.

Caroline, David & Della_crop

Caroline Baum, David Marr, Della Rowley

Audience at the 2015 Adelaide Writers Week Fellowship announcement.

Audience at Writers’ Week

Crowd at Writers Week.

Crowd at Writers’ Week

2014 Fellowship announcement at the Writers Victoria Biography Salon, with Janine Burke and Jim Davidson, 11 March in Melbourne. The 2014  Fellowship winner was Maxine Beneba Clarke.

2014 Fellowship winner Maxine Beneba Clarke and 2012 winner Mary Hoban.

Maxine Beneba Clarke, Mary Hoban

Della and Maxine 2014 Salon event

Maxine Beneba Clarke, Della Rowley

At the 2014 Fellowship award in Melbourne, from left, Fellowship judge Janine Burke, Fellowship winner Maxine Beneba Clarke, Della Rowley and Fellowship judge Jim Davidson.

Janine Burke, Maxine Beneba Clarke, Della Rowley, Jim Davidson

2013 Fellowship announcement at Adelaide Writers’ Week, 6 March, with Alex Miller giving the Hazel Rowley memorial lecture. The 2013 Fellowship winner was Stephany Evans Steggall.

At the 2013 Fellowship announcement at the Adelaide Writers Week, from left, Alex Miller, Della Rowley and Stephany Steggall.

Alex Miller, Della Rowley, Stephany Steggall

Alex Miller.

Alex Miller

Stephany Steggall

Stephany Steggall

2012 Fellowship announcement at the Wheeler Centre in Melbourne, 14 March, following a panel discussion with Alex Miller and Jim Davidson about  biography and writing. The 2012 Fellowship winner was Mary Hoban.

At the 2012 Fellowship announcement, from left, Della Rowley, Mary , Lynn Buchanan and Irene Tomaszewski.

Della Rowley, Mary Hoban, Lynn Buchanan, Irene Tomaszewski

Jim Davidson, Alex Miller, Fiona Gruber (MC).

Jim Davidson, Alex Miller, Fiona Gruber (MC)

Mary Hoban.

Mary Hoban